旧约 - 约书亚记(Joshua)第8章

Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you, and go up and attack Ai. For I have delivered into your hands the king of Ai, his people, his city and his land.
You shall do to Ai and its king as you did to Jericho and its king, except that you may carry off their plunder and livestock for yourselves. Set an ambush behind the city."
So Joshua and the whole army moved out to attack Ai. He chose thirty thousand of his best fighting men and sent them out at night
with these orders: "Listen carefully. You are to set an ambush behind the city. Don't go very far from it. All of you be on the alert.
I and all those with me will advance on the city, and when the men come out against us, as they did before, we will flee from them.
They will pursue us until we have lured them away from the city, for they will say, 'They are running away from us as they did before.' So when we flee from them,
you are to rise up from ambush and take the city. The LORD your God will give it into your hand.
When you have taken the city, set it on fire. Do what the LORD has commanded. See to it; you have my orders."
Then Joshua sent them off, and they went to the place of ambush and lay in wait between Bethel and Ai, to the west of Ai--but Joshua spent that night with the people.
Early the next morning Joshua mustered his men, and he and the leaders of Israel marched before them to Ai.
The entire force that was with him marched up and approached the city and arrived in front of it. They set up camp north of Ai, with the valley between them and the city.
Joshua had taken about five thousand men and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the city.
They had the soldiers take up their positions--all those in the camp to the north of the city and the ambush to the west of it. That night Joshua went into the valley.
When the king of Ai saw this, he and all the men of the city hurried out early in the morning to meet Israel in battle at a certain place overlooking the Arabah. But he did not know that an ambush had been set against him behind the city.
Joshua and all Israel let themselves be driven back before them, and they fled toward the desert.
All the men of Ai were called to pursue them, and they pursued Joshua and were lured away from the city.
Not a man remained in Ai or Bethel who did not go after Israel. They left the city open and went in pursuit of Israel.
Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Hold out toward Ai the javelin that is in your hand, for into your hand I will deliver the city." So Joshua held out his javelin toward Ai.
As soon as he did this, the men in the ambush rose quickly from their position and rushed forward. They entered the city and captured it and quickly set it on fire.
The men of Ai looked back and saw the smoke of the city rising against the sky, but they had no chance to escape in any direction, for the Israelites who had been fleeing toward the desert had turned back against their pursuers.
For when Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the city and that smoke was going up from the city, they turned around and attacked the men of Ai.
The men of the ambush also came out of the city against them, so that they were caught in the middle, with Israelites on both sides. Israel cut them down, leaving them neither survivors nor fugitives.
But they took the king of Ai alive and brought him to Joshua.
When Israel had finished killing all the men of Ai in the fields and in the desert where they had chased them, and when every one of them had been put to the sword, all the Israelites returned to Ai and killed those who were in it.
Twelve thousand men and women fell that day--all the people of Ai.
For Joshua did not draw back the hand that held out his javelin until he had destroyed all who lived in Ai.
But Israel did carry off for themselves the livestock and plunder of this city, as the LORD had instructed Joshua.
So Joshua burned Ai and made it a permanent heap of ruins, a desolate place to this day.
He hung the king of Ai on a tree and left him there until evening. At sunset, Joshua ordered them to take his body from the tree and throw it down at the entrance of the city gate. And they raised a large pile of rocks over it, which remains to this day.
Then Joshua built on Mount Ebal an altar to the LORD, the God of Israel,
as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded the Israelites. He built it according to what is written in the Book of the Law of Moses--an altar of uncut stones, on which no iron tool had been used. On it they offered to the LORD burnt offerings and sacrificed fellowship offerings.
There, in the presence of the Israelites, Joshua copied on stones the law of Moses, which he had written.
All Israel, aliens and citizens alike, with their elders, officials and judges, were standing on both sides of the ark of the covenant of the LORD, facing those who carried it--the priests, who were Levites. Half of the people stood in front of Mount Gerizim and half of them in front of Mount Ebal, as Moses the servant of the LORD had formerly commanded when he gave instructions to bless the people of Israel.
Afterward, Joshua read all the words of the law--the blessings and the curses--just as it is written in the Book of the Law.
There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded that Joshua did not read to the whole assembly of Israel, including the women and children, and the aliens who lived among them.
约书亚记第八章   第 8 章 

  书 8:1> 失败后吸取教训,不应影响再次的行动,约书亚的做法是…… 

  8:1 亚干事件处理完毕后,约书亚便准备再攻艾城。这次一定要获胜。他从这事学到功课,那也是我们应当注意的:( 1 )在神显明你所犯之罪的时候,要认罪( 7:19-21 );( 2 )失败时,要重新注目于神,对付问题,勇往直前( 7:22-25 ; 8:1 )。神叫人在犯罪以后悔改,得祂赦免,好得到力量,重新开始。从失败中学到的功课,会叫我们在下次遇到同样的局面时能较好地应付。因为神渴望洁净我们、赦免我们、加力量给我们。除非我们自己放弃,才会失去这福分。 

  书 8:2> 上一次的战利品要销毁,这次的却可保留,难道神改变了? 

  8:2 神为什么准许人从这次战役之中,为自己保留战利品与牲畜?以色列人对处理战利品的条例,是分两种情况执行的:( 1 )像耶利哥这样的城市,是在神的咒诅之下(因敬拜偶像而受神刑罚),因此不可夺取其中之物(参申 20:16-18 )。神的子民必须保持圣洁,与一切拜偶像的风气隔绝。( 2 )不在神禁令之下的城市,以色列人可分取夺获的战利品,这是战争中的常事,使军队和百姓得到所需的粮食、牛羊,以及补给的武器;而艾城就属于这类城市。得胜的军队需要粮食和装备,由于那时兵士皆无工资,因此战利品是激励他们出发作战的部分因素,也等于是犒赏。 

  书 8:3> 艾城为什么这样重要,非攻下不可? 

  8:3 占领艾城对他们非常重要。它距离耶利哥只有十八多公里,是迦南人的坚城,也是伯特利的屏障( 8:12 )。迦南地的诸王,若听见以色列人在艾城被打败的消息,就会联手上来攻击,他们不知道神已经重振约书亚的军力,施行保护。我们当完全顺服神、倚靠祂,确信祂的应许能带来胜利。 

  书 8:18-19> 同一件事,求不求问神结果大相径庭,这于我有何鉴戒? 

  8:18-19 耶和华将这城交给约书亚了。昨日的失败变成今日的胜利。人一旦对付了罪以后,接着就蒙神赦免而得胜。靠神的恩典,我们不再灰心丧胆,或深感罪疚。罪使我们受挫败,但无论多么艰难,我们都应当重新振作,遵行神的旨意。 


  8:30-31 他们要用未经凿过的石头造祭坛,使他们不至于亵渎神(参出 20:25 )。这样做是为了防止百姓把祭坛当作偶像来敬拜,也避免人崇拜造祭坛的巧匠,而不敬拜行大事的神。 

  书 8:32> 约书亚何等重视神的律法!十诫在我心中的地位…… 

  8:32 约书亚吩咐人抄写在石头上的,极可能是十诫,是神全部律法的中心,对现代仍然适用。(参出 20 章)──《灵修版圣经注释》